SharpChuter Tips

To quickly adjust the SharpChuter for use with your lamb or goat, estimate where the adjustments should be for the height of the animal and raise the horizontal elevator before placing the animal in the chute. You can then place the pins in the four corners of the chute.  Raise the head suspension bar so the breaking halter is above the jump inhibitor square.  Adjust the rear bars so the top bar will be behind the animal's dock and the lower bar at a level just below the hocks of the back legs.  Make sure the SharpChuter is elevated in its inclined position at the front of the chute.  You are now ready to load the lamb or goat.  Once you have the animal in the chute you can fine tune all the adjustments as needed to make certain your lamb or goat is in a proper show position. Please note that the lower cross bar goes behind the animal's legs.