* We strive to keep the SharpChuter at wholesale pricing to deliver a quality product at the lowest price possible. However, we have to increase pricing from time to time due to increases in building materials and manufacturing costs.   

The quickest and best way to train your lamb and goat to show, lead, and brace at the same time.  Families are busy these days with many activities and responsibilities.  Turn the most tedious part of showing into one of the most enjoyable.  Build confidence in your young showmen and give older showmen enough time to be involved in all the activities they enjoy during their school years. 

​​Why should each showman and family continue to struggle with the same-old, strenuous, and less effective ways of training your lamb or goat?  Your project should be an enjoyable experience for everyone involved as you prepare for the show ring.  You can be confident in knowing that each showman from the youngest to the more experienced and from the shortest to the tallest will be able to train their animal in a safe, effective, and efficient manner with the SharpChuter.  The old ways of training are over.  The best way is here.  With the SharpChuter, you can "TRAIN SMART and SHOW SHARP!"

Pricing for the SharpChuter is $2,000 which includes 2 breaking halters.  This is wholesale pricing as we do not have any dealers. We sell direct to the customer. 

Additional breaking halters are $35 each.